General PTO Events

We look forward to having you volunteer this year. Please be sure you have been approved:

Dragon Volunteer



The objective of the Eubanks Intermediate School PTO shall be to support students and faculty of EIS in pursuit of academic excellence through volunteer hours, raising funds, and providing communication between parents and school community.

Winter Break-12/23/24 to 1/7/25

Students Return from Winter Break- 1/8/2025

EIS PTO General Meeting Dawson 101- 1/10/2025

Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday-1/20/2025

The Executive Board would like to acknowledge our


December 2024

Amanda McGough (Gifting Project)

Jessica Lane (School Store)

Mark Flores (Dad's Club)

We would like to show our appreciation to our amazing volunteers.  Amanda McGough for organizing and collecting presents for the Gifting Project.  Jessica Lane for helping make School Store a great success where many students look forward to every month.  Mark Flores for starting Dad's Club with monthly Dad's Day and Dad's Club Meetings

We appreciate you!!

Thank you for all that you do for EIS!!

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